***Little Otter Creek Update***
The Little Otter Creek Reservoir project has been under construction for some time. As with any big construction project, there have been unforeseen difficulties but the project is making good progress. Due to weather and other circumstances, the forecasted date is now May of 2025. The commission is following the project closely and is in close communication with the construction contractor, engineer and NRCS which all have a vested interest in the project. We will plan to keep the public better informed of future progress.

The initial idea for the Little Otter Creek Lake Project began in the 1980’s when, during a severe drought, the need was found to provide a dependable source of water for the citizens of Caldwell County. The first formal report on this proposed water supply was written in 1989 and on June 22, 1990, county officials met with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Watershed Planning Staff to discuss the possibility of building a rural water supply system that would also assist in flood prevention during years with more rain. In late 1991, the Caldwell County Commission requested assistance through the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act and on August 3, 1992 they filed an application for federal assistance for a lake project with the NRCS. Within the following year a steering committee was formed and the NRCS began to meet with the committee and landowners that would potentially be affected by the project.
Following a lull in the project, on July 7, in the year 2000, the Caldwell County Commission and the Caldwell County Soil and Water Conservation District again requested assistance from the NRCS to renew planning on the lake project and active planning began. By late summer a public meeting had been held to discuss possible sites for a reservoir, needs for a dependable water supply, and the potential for added recreational activities for the county. The Caldwell County Lake Project Steering Committee recommended that the Caldwell County Commission serve as the primary sponsor of the project.
On January 7, 2002, the Caldwell County Commission asked the NRCS to design a multi-purpose reservoir in the Little Otter Creek Watershed, about 3 miles east of Hamilton on the South side of 36 Highway. They estimated that the reservoir would provide a minimum of 1,200,000 gallons of water supply per day to the county and surrounding areas. Later that year, the citizens of Caldwell County voted in favor of a 0.5% sales tax to assist in the funding of the Little Otter Creek Project.
The Caldwell County Commission has spent the subsequent years working with project engineers, the USDA, NRCS, landowners, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and many environmental and wildlife organizations to create the plan and acquire the property needed for this project. They have received all of the proper permitting, additional funding through grants, and have made sure all concerns and regulations for environment and wildlife were carefully considered and met.

Eastern District Commissioner Jonathan Abbott, Western District Commissioner Rex Hibler, and Presiding Commission C.R. Bud Motsinger at the groundbreaking ceremony of Little Otter Creek
Progress on the Little Otter Creek Lake Project is being made continuously, but is finally nearing completion. A groundbreaking ceremony took place March 19, 2021 and completion of the lake is expected to take a couple more years.

Governor Michael L. Parson and wife Teresa Parson at the groundbreaking ceremony of Little Otter Creek
Take the 2020 Little Otter Creek Tour!
Project Resources
Allstate 2010 Preliminary Engineering Report (except appendix F and G)
Allstate 2010 Preliminary Engineering Report: F
Allstate 2010 Preliminary Engineering Report: G
Intake Structure Design
Technical Specifications for Intake Structure Design
Watershed Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
Little Otter Creek Preliminary Plans
Preliminary Construction Specifications
Record of Decision
LOC Federal Register for ROD
LOC Cert of Election Results
LOC Election Filings 8-19-2002 by special election
LOC-DNR Cooperative Agreement
LOC Dam Construction Permit
LOC Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
LOC MDNR Operating Permit
LOC EAP Document
LOC EAP Signed Page
LOC Construction Permit
LOC Dept of Army Permit
LOC Dept of Army Permit Request to Modify Response