7.1. Purpose: It is the purpose of the R-1 District to encourage the establishment and preservation of residential neighborhoods characterized by single family building on large and medium sized lots. The R-1 District will include areas requiring larger lot size minimums which would preclude the economic provision of public sewer systems.
7.2. Permitted Uses:
1. One and two family dwelling, earth sheltered or underground dwellings, mobile homes in conformance with RSMo Chapter 700 (2000).
2. Any agricultural crops, including the raising and feeding of farm animals for personal use and consumption.
3. Essential services and utilities to serve the principal permitted use. See Section 3.17.
4. Customary accessory uses provided such uses are clearly incidental to the principal permitted use.
7.3 Conditional Uses:
1. Apartment complexes consisting of three or more units in one development.
2. Kennels.
3. Public and semi-public uses including but not limited to the following: public and private schools, churches, parks, prison (public or private), recreation areas, hospitals, rest homes and homes for the aged, fire and police stations, and historic sites.
4. Camping or recreational vehicle subdivisions, campgrounds, cluster subdivisions, mobile home parks.
7.4. Prohibited Uses:
1. Landfills (hazardous or non-hazardous) and transfer stations.
2. Commercial scale animal confinements as defined by the Planning & Zoning Board.
3. Quarries, burrow pits, and large excavations.
4. Any use of mobile home except as a dwelling. Example: A mobile home may not be used as a storage facility.
5. Any use of (property described in 7.2.1) as a rental property with a rental period of less than 28 days.
7.5. Requirements: The following requirements shall be observed:
1. Minimum Lot Area: 2 acres
2. Minimum Lot Frontage: The minimum lot frontage at the building line shall be one hundred (100) feet.
3. Maximum Percentage of Building Coverage: The maximum percentage of building coverage shall be 15%.
4. Yard Setbacks: Rear and side yards shall be: Rear yard – 30 ft. Side yard – 10 feet
5. Setback requirements from highways and roads subject to Section IV, Section 4.9
6. Maximum Building Height: Two and one half stories or thirty (30) feet in height
7. Signs subject to Section XV.