PUD-1 Planned Unit Development District

13.1.  Purpose: This district is intended to provide for an added degree of flexibility in the location, placement and interrelationship of buildings, incorporating a variety of residential, commercial and public structures, and encouraging a creative opportunity for development and preservation of common open spaces.

13.2.  Permitted Uses: None

13.3.  Conditional Uses:

1. Any permitted and conditional uses in R-1 and C-1 Districts including multi- family structures.

13.4.  Requirements:

1. Minimum Lot Area: 5 acres
2. Minimum Lot Frontage: 200 feet
3. Maximum Percentage of Building Coverage: 50%
4. Yard Setbacks: Front yard 50 feet; rear year 35 feet; side yard 20 feet.
5. Setback requirements from highway and roads governed by section 4.9.
6. Maximum Building Height: 31/2 stories or 35 feet.
7. Signs subject to the intent of Section XV.
8. All PUD developments shall include a dry hydrant installation within one mile of the PUD location.