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Pay Your Tax Bill Online :

Back row left to right: Deputy Lyla Norton, Collector/Treasurer Beth Larkins. Front row left to right: Deputy Jill Prothero, Deputy Dixie McBee
The 2024 Personal Property and Real Estate Taxes are due on December 31, 2024.
To avoid additional penalties and interest you can do one of the following to pay your taxes.
Make payment in person by ***December 31, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.*** at the Caldwell County Collector’s Office located at 49 E. Main Street, Kingston, Missouri 64650. Cash, check, debit/credit cards accepted.
Debit/Credit Card Payments will have a convenience fee added.
Mail – Caldwell County Collector’s Office, P.O. Box 127, Kingston, Missouri 64650. *** If sent by mail it needs to be post marked by 12-31-2024.***
Night Drop – Located on the north side of the Courthouse for 24/7 payment drop off. *** Must be left in the night drop by midnight 12-31-2024.***
Online – Caldwell County website or use the attached QR code. ***Payment must be received by midnight on 12-31-2024.***

***When searching online for your tax bills make sure you type your Last Name, First Name***
Contact the Caldwell County Collector’s Office for any questions you may have, 816-586-2781, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Beth Larkins
Caldwell County Collector
- Duplicate paid tax receipts are available in the Collector’s Office for $1.00 – faxed copies are $2.00
- Tax payments are due in the Collector’s office by the close of business on December 31st of each year. We DO accept Post-Marked payments.
- Interest and penalties will be added monthly for delinquent taxes.
- Refer to the box in the center of your statement for correct amount. Incorrect amounts received will be returned.
- If you have questions/concerns regarding the assessments on your tax statement, please contact the Assessor’s office at 816-586-5261.
- Credit Card Payments are accepted with a fee of 2.5% based on the amount of the tax
If Paying Online:
- Please verify all Personal Property Information is correct before paying!!!
- You will be charged a NON-REFUNDABLE 2.5% convenience fee and a $3.50 per transaction fee
- All paid receipts will be mailed to the tax payer once we receive the payment deposit in our account.
- Online payments take up to 2 days to deposit in our account. An online payment receipt IS NOT a paid tax receipt. A tax statement reflecting $0.00 IS NOT a paid tax receipt.
Contact Information: Beth Larkins, Caldwell County Collector/Treasurer, Caldwell County Courthouse (First Floor), 49 East Main Street, P.O. Box 127, Kingston, MO 64650
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:30
Phone: 816.586.2781 ~ Fax: 816.586.1260
Collector of County Real Estate, Commercial, and Personal Property ~ Collect City Taxes for Breckenridge, Kidder, Polo, Hamilton, Braymer and Kingston ~ Issuing Merchant Licenses and Auctioneer Licenses