Commissioners Minutes August 2, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse. County Clerk Christine Owen was absent. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-absent. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the amended agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Weekly bills were paid.
Commissioners met with Melissa Poje, Road and Bridge secretary to discuss brush in Rockford Township and a grant for recycling. Presiding Commissioner Motsinger signed the grant for a recycling trailer.
Discussed a washed out tube on Wildlife Road. Removed a tree at the Little Otter Creek house and fixed a low water crossing. They will be working on the water line this week.
Commissioners discussed the generator contract with Deputy Clerk Shelta Creason.
Commissioners met with Sheriff Mitch Allen.
Commissioner Hibler moved to go into closed session per RSMO 610.021 (3) Personnel. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. Roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Commissioner Hibler moved to go out of Closed Session per RSMO 610.021(3) personnel. Commissioner Motsinger seconded. A roll call vote was taken; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Commissioners had a video zoom call with Allstate for Little Otter Creek. They discussed the progress of construction.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county.
Commissioners met with Colt Arnold, Planning & Zoning supervisor, and Assessor Beverly Alden, 911 Dispatch Supervisor Hillary Hosman, Sheriff Mitch Allen to discuss the 911 addressing for Shoal Creek Subdivision & Shea Gardens Subdivision.
Commissioners talked with Judge Ryan Horseman as he stopped by for a visit.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM.
Commissioners Minutes August 6, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Caldwell County Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger; present Rex Hibler; present Jonathan Abbott; absent.
Payroll was signed.
Commissioners met with Melissa Poje, road and bridge secretary, to discuss brush letters.
Commissioner Motsinger signed the Missouri state tax commission quarterly reimbursement to request funds for the Assessment Fund per parcel allowed by State Tax Commission.
Commissioners and Clerk Owen reviewed the process for reimbursement of funds for Little Otter Creek expenditures.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.
Commissioners Minutes August 9, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-present. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Motsinger moved to approve the July 19, 20, 23 & 26 and August 6 meeting minutes and closed session minutes for July 16, 20 & 26. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Weekly bills were paid.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor to discuss brush letters and asked about a higher wage for the new hire that has prior heavy equipment experience.
Commissioner Hibler moved to send out certified brush letters to landowners in Rockford Township as follows: Section 4 on SW Texas Road to 5 different landowners; Section 10 SW Peak Rd; Section 15 & 16 SW Peak Rd; Section 17 & 21 SW Reno Dr & Ore Rd; Section 30 & 31 SW Houghton Rd; Section 34 SW Prairie Ridge Rd to 3 different landowners. Commissioner Abbott seconded. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Dale Akey, board member of Caldwell County Extension Council to discuss a contract for deed.
Commissioner Hibler moved to sign the contract for deed on the property North of the courthouse for construction of the County Extension office with Caldwell County Extension Council. Commissioner Abbott seconded, and a roll call vote as taken as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea;
Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners had a video zoom meeting with Allstate Consultants regarding updates on the Little Otter Creek construction.
Commissioners opened bids for propane. 1) Consumers Oil & Supply bid $1.54 2) Ferrellgas bid $1.63 3) MFA Oil bid $1.38 4) Thompson Gas bid $1.399
Commissioner Abbott moved to accept the low bid from MFA Oil for $1.38 from August 6, 2021 thru July 30, 2022. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners called Emergency Management Director Mark Merrill for an update on FEMA declaration.
Commissioners returned a call to Matt Haase from Senator Blunt’s office to discuss a visit to Little Otter Creek site.
Commissioner Motsinger signed the MDNR construction permit application.
Commissioners called MW Electric to discuss finishing the electrical at the Little Otter Creek house to be used as a construction lab.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM.
Commissioners Minutes August 10, 2021
Commissioner Rex Hibler participated in the Green Hills Community Action virtual meeting.
Commissioners Minutes August 12, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger attended the North Central Missouri Business Facilitation meeting in Hamilton.
Commissioners Minutes August 16, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott- present. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the amended agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the August 2, 9, 10 & 12 meeting minutes and the August 2 closed session minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Weekly bills were paid.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor to discuss brush letters. Working on easements for John Deere bridge. He shared a new application for the job with commissioners.
Clerk Owen gave commissioners the end of month expenditure report for July for review.
Commissioner Abbott moved to accept the recommendation of Linda McElwee to represent Caldwell County on the Serve Link Home Care board. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met by Zoom call with Allstate Engineers regarding the progress on the Little Otter Creek Reservoir. The dam construction bid is planned to be advertised August 31, 2021 with a pre-bid meeting on September 20, 2021 and bid opening on October 4, 2021.
Garry McFee with Howe Company LLC stopped by to see the commissioners and gave them an update on BRO funds available.
Commissioners met with Collector/Treasurer Beth Larkins to review the semi-annual Treasurer’s report.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county.
Commissioners met with Shelby Berkemeier, Bob Hughes, Mark Ayers of the North Central Missouri Business Facilitation (NCMBF). They are working on a new website and have the ability to link our website. Opportunity zone map was discussed. She is asking for introductions to anyone in the County that they could help with business opportunities.
Commissioners met with EMD Mark Merrill for updates regarding emergency management for the county. They discussed the disaster declaration that was submitted.
Commissioners reviewed the Reimbursement request for expenditures of the Little Otter Creek Reservoir that can be reimbursed from NRCS. Commissioner Motsinger signed the reimbursement request.
Commissioners discussed naming the Lane entering off of Stinson Road. Commissioners signed a letter approving the Lane to be named shoal Creek Lane so they could have access to 911 services.
Meeting adjourned at 1:20 PM.
Commissioners Minutes August 17, 2021
Commissioners met at the Little Otter Creek Dam site with Senator Blunt and other constituents.
Commissioners Minutes August 19, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger attended the Planning and Zoning meeting at the courthouse.
Commissioners Minutes August 20, 2021
Commissioner Jonathan Abbott came into the commissioner’s room of the courthouse to sign payroll.
Commissioners Motsinger and Abbott and Clerk Owen went to the Church of the Nazarene for the Little Otter Creek meeting at 9:00 am. Attending the meeting in person were Allstate Consultants: Cary Sayre, Greg Pitchford, John Holmes, Chad Sayre; PWSD#3 Dale Swindler, Michael Foley, John Crawford; Daviess county Commissioner Wayne Uthe; Missouri Department of Conservation Emily Porter; citizen Mark Kipping; Attorney Padraic Corcoran. Attending by phone were: NRCS Chris Hamilton; Ashley Newson; MDC Nate Mechlin; Attorney Ed Proctor; Allstate Consultants Julie Marks; NRCS Brandon Viers and Andrew Rackers; GHRPC Corinne Watts.
Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the Cooperative Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between
Caldwell County Missouri and Daviess County Missouri for the designated aquatic organism passage (AOP) impediment removal, grade control installation, mitigation span structure installation, and agreement to maintain and also approve Presiding Commissioner Bud Motsinger to sign the agreement on behalf of the County all subject to the order being signed on Monday, August 23, 2021. Seconded by Commissioner Bud Motsinger. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea; Rex Hibler was absent. This will be done as an official order at the August 23, 2021 commission meeting. Commissioner Motsinger signed the IGA.
Commissioner Abbott moved to go into closed session per RSMO 610.021 (1) legal. Commissioner Motsinger seconded. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea; Rex Hibler was absent.
Commissioner Abbott moved to go out of closed session. Commissioner Motsinger seconded. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea; Rex Hibler was absent.
Commissioners Minutes August 23, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-absent. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Motsinger moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Hibler seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Weekly bills were paid.
Commissioner Abbott arrived at 8:55am.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor. Commissioners signed an easement document for John Deere Bridge. Discussed a report from MODOT on Dillon Bridge that dropped from 18 tons to 3 tons.
Commissioner Hibler moved to go into Closed session per RSMO 610.021 (1) legal. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Hibler moved to go out of Closed session per RSMO 610.021 (1) legal. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Sheriff Mitch Allen. The Sheriff introduced Mike Horn as the new jail administrator. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve Presiding Commissioner Bud Motsinger to sign the Solution Services agreement contract for Encartel on behalf of Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Prosecuting Attorney Brady Kopek. They discussed the clean lines attorney wanting to discuss road crossing contract and will meet in Sept. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve 0.2518 tax rate to be levied in Caldwell County for General Revenue and the Senior Services to be levied at 0.0500 tax rate for 2021 and to allow Presiding Commissioner Bud Motsinger to sign the Proforma from the State Auditor on behalf of the County. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Hibler moved to participate in “Seed A Legacy Program” with The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund for Little Otter Creek. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. Commissioner Motsinger signed the agreement.
Commissioners called Caldwell County Title to discuss a general warranty deed for the property for the Caldwell County Extension Council.
Commissioner Abbott moved to sign Certified Copy of Record Order No. 2021-08-23 An Order Approving a Cooperative Intergovernmental Agreement between Caldwell County, Missouri and Daviess County, Missouri for the Designated Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) Impediment Removal, Grade Control Installation, Mitigation Span Structure Installation, and Agreement to Maintain” Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners called Greg Pitchford about the Seed for Butterflies for Little Otter Creek. Discussed stream credit purchase agreement.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the August 16, 17, 19 & 20 meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 PM.
Commissioners Minutes August 30, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called into the meeting by phone. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-by phone; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-was absent. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the August 23 minutes and the August 23 closed session minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent. Commissioner Abbott arrived at 8:35 am.
Weekly bills were paid.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor. Lindsey Chaffin from Great River Engineering joined the meeting to discuss bridge projects. They discussed getting a beep study for Dillon bridge.
Attorney Ed Proctor called to discuss the Little Otter Creek house lease agreement with Allstate to be used as a construction lab.
Commissioners met with Sheriff Mitch Allen.
Commissioner Abbott moved to go into closed session per RSMO 610.021 (3) Personnel. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea;
Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Abbott moved to go out of closed session per RSMO 610.021 (3) Personnel. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Danny Kincaid of DanComp Computers by phone. They discussed customer service and training required.
Commissioners called State Representative Randy Railsback to discuss Grain Belt Express concerns and maintenance of Old Hwy 36.
Commissioners met by Zoom call with Allstate Engineers regarding the progress on the Little Otter Creek Reservoir. Jeff Campbell attended the meeting to discuss the areas that he needs to mow brush on. Little Otter Creek property for the pre-bid meeting.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county.
Commissioners met with Colt Arnold of Planning and Zoning to discuss the re-zoning request from the last meeting.
Commissioner Abbott moved to sign the General Warranty Deed for the transfer of the land North of the courthouse to Caldwell County Extension Council to put a building on it. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Motsinger signed the General Warranty Deed on behalf of the county.
Meeting adjourned at 12:15 PM.
Commissioners attended the 911 ACCD meeting in Maysville.